Rauemi / Resources
Kia Maanu Kia Ora water safety skills resources for tamariki are provided here.
Taught to tamariki in the context of Wai Puna, means their strengthened connection to wai will provide them more resilience and competencies to enjoy the water safely for long life enjoyment.
A Unit Plan template has been developed from a Māori world view for kaiako (teachers) and their tamariki (akonga, students) in Kura Kaupapa Mäori and mainstream Kura, primarily for Years 1 - 8.
Tamaraki learn to identify different bodies of water and environments in Aotearoa, dangers and hazards across various water environments and traditional methods of behaving and keeping safe in the water.
Click here for a set of teaching resources for classroom learning.
Water Skills for Life is the national standard for aquatic education in Aotearoa primary schools. It is generally learnt in the pool.
Click here for the full Set of teaching resources.
More people drown in rivers than in any other aquatic environment in Aotearoa.
KMKO & Māori Rauemi