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AKORANGA WHĀNUI: Takutai moana


He maha rawa ngā mahi a te tangata ki ngā takutai moana i o tātou kāinga, i o tātou takiwā.
He maha ngā mōreareatanga ki ēnei takiwā. Mā te whai i ngā mātauranga tawhito me nga mātauranga hou kua puta i ngā rōpu whakahāere, ka ora tātou ki ngā takutai moana. Koira te hua o te noho haumaru ki ēnei tūmomo taiao.

Ko te whāinga o tēnei kowae ako he whakamārama i ngā mōreareatanga o tēnei taiao, he whakamahi hoki i ngā tikanga e noho haumaru ai te tangata ki ēnei wāhi.

Mehemea ka taea, whakapā atu kia NZ Surf lifesaving kia uru koe ki ngā akoranga kauere. Ko ngā akoranga: Te tautohu i ngā kauere me te puta i ngā kauere.
Te tautohu i ngā kauere me te puta i ngā kauere.

  • Beach Ed – (Ki te takutai moana)


Whāinga Paetae

Te Marautanga o Aotearoa

Te Reo Māori (3/4)

Āheinga Reo


Ka whakapuaki kōrero hei whakaputa māramatanga Ā-tā

Ka pakari te ākonga ki ngā momo reo tuhituhi.

Puna Reo


E tika ana te kōwhiri kupu hou kia uru ki ngā kaupapa kōrero. 

Rautaki Reo


Ka whakamahi i ētahi rautaki rangahau

Hauora (3)

Te Hono ki te taiao

Ka whakaputa whakaaro mō te herenga o te tangata ki tōna taiao, te taiao hoki ki te tangata

Tikanga-ā-iwi (3)

Te Wāhi me te Taiao

3.2 - Ka whakamārama i ngā āhuatanga o tō hōnonga ki tētahi wāhi mīharo, ki te taiao raini.

Te Aho Matua

Te Ira Tangata

1.3 - Ka pakeke te tangata, kei a ia ōna ake tikanga, mana anō e whakatau he aha te huarahi tika mōna ake.

1.7 - He tapu te tinana o te tangata. He mahi nui te whakaako tamariki ki ngā hua o te tiaki tinana, kia tupu ai tōna hauora. Me mōhio ngā tamariki ki ngā kai pai, ki ngā kai kino, ki ngā painga o te korikori tinana, o te miri

Ngā Iwi

3.6 - Ko te hua ka puta i te tautoko o e whānau, ko te piripono o te tamaiti ki tōna whānau. No reira, e tika ana kia piri tonu te whānau ki nga tamariki i ngā mahi kura, i tōna tupuranga anō hoki.

3.9 - Ehara i te mea mo ngā tamariki anahe te kura. He mātauranga anō kei te kura mo ngā taipakeke, mo te katoa o te whānau hoki.

Te Ao

4.4 - Kia whai koha nga tamariki ki a Papatūanuku raua ko Ranginui me a rāua tamariki e tiaki nei i te hā o ngā moana, o te whenua, o te rangi me o rātou āhuatanga katoa.

Wai Puna

  • Ngā pūrākau ā iwi

  • Tangaroa me ngā tini kaitiaki o te moana

  • Te pakanga ki waenganui i a Tangaroa rāua ko

  • Tāwhirimātea, me ngā mōreareatanga ka puta.

  • Te whakamārama i ngā mahere huarere, ngā tohu
    kauere, ngā tūmomo ngaru, me ngā mātauranga kauere.


Ngā tikanga haumaru ki te takutai moana.

  • Kauhoe ki waenganui i ngā haki

  • Kaua e huri tuara ki te moana

  • Kaua e hāmama, umere noaiho

  • Kaua e kai i nga kaimoana ki ro wai

  • Waiho nga wāhi kua rāhuitia.



Putanga ako

Ka ako ngā tauira:

  • I ngā tūpatotanga o tātahi, o te ākau tokatoka, me te ngutu awa hoki.

  • I ngā rautaki hei whakaheke i ngā mōreareatanga o te takutai.

Paearu Angitū

Ka tāea e ngā ākonga te

  • Tautohu i ngā mōreareatanga ki ngā tūmomo taiao ki te takutai moana?

  • Wānangahia ngā mōreareatanga o ngā tūmomo He aha ngā rautaki hei kaupare i ēnei mōreareatanga?

  • Whakamahia ētahi rautaki/ngohe i a rātou ki ngā tūmomo taiao o te takutai.


Atlases and maps from the school library.

Atlases and maps - from school library

Blank map of Aotearoa

Blank map of local environment

Places and place names website link


Hei mahi

Ka titiro atu ki ia wahanga o te taiao

  • Ngā whakatūpatotanga o tērā taiao
  • Ngā rautaki tiaki i te tangata.

Ngā pātai/Uiuinga

  • He aha ngā mōreareatanga ki tēnei taiao
  • He aha ngā tikanga mo te tiaki tangata?


Wānanga 1

Sandy Beaches

Whole class discussion about the activities that they already do in this environment.
  • What do they do in this environment?
  • What are the dangers that they know of?
  • What have their whānau taught them about the dangers of this environment?
  • Have they experienced these dangers?
  • If they had experienced these dangers, what did they do?
  • What are some of the strategies that they used to keep safe?
  • What have they heard in the news, on the web, in the newspapers about accidents in this place?
Activities at the sandy beach could include:
  • Swimming
  • Surfing/boogie-boarding/skim-boarding
  • Collecting tuatua, pipi, hūwai, scallops, toheroa
  • Drag netting in the surf
  • Surfcasting
  • Playing touch on shore
  • Beach launching or retrieving a boat
  • Paddling a waka ama.
Dangers they need to learn about
  • Rips
  • Waves
  • Wind (Hypothermia)
  • Holes
  • Sand banks.
  • Karakia
  • Knowing how to read weather and wind maps
  • Knowing how to identify rips and what to do if caught in one
  • Knowing how to read sets of waves and where waves are breaking
  • Knowing about the types of waves
  • Swimming between the flags
  • Practicing tikanga such as not turning your back to the sea, not yelling and screaming close to the water, not eating kaimoana in the water, not taking too much, not taking from areas that are in rāhui.
Group strategy

Children will be broken into groups where they will be given or can choose a danger or a strategy. These lessons are self-directed learning where the aim is for the tamariki to learn about their strategy or danger and create a presentation or resources to teach their teina (younger students in the school).



Wānanga 4-6

Rocky Shores

Whole class discussion about the activities that they do in this environment
  • What do they do in this environment?
  • What are the dangers that they know of?
  • What have their whānau taught them about the dangers of this environment?
  • Have they experienced these dangers?
  • If they had experienced these dangers, what did they do?
  • What are some of the strategies that they used to keep safe?
Activities at the rocky shore could include:
  • Swimming/bombing
  • Surfing/boggy boarding
  • Collecting oysters, kina, pāua, mussels
  • Diving
  • Fishing off the rocks
Dangers they need to learn about (Mātauranga)
  • Rips
  • Waves
  • Tides
  • Wind (Hypothermia)
  • Walking across the rocks
  • Rocks
  • Dragged or dumped on rocks
  • Slipping off rocks
  • Taking too much kaimoana
Strategies (Mātauranga and Tikanga)
  • Karakia
  • Knowing how to read weather and wind maps
  • Knowing how to identify rips and what to do if caught in one
  • Knowing about wave action and set waves
  • Never diving alone
  • Knowing when the tides are (rock fshing)
Group strategy

Children will be broken into groups where they will be given or can choose a danger or a strategy. These lessons are self-directed learning where the aim is for the tamariki to learn about their strategy or danger and create a presentation or resources to teach their teina (younger students in the school).

Rocky Beach visit

Visit rocky beach to collect kaimoana and practice safe tikanga around the beaches.


Wānanga 9-10


River mouth/ Harbour entrance

Whole class discussion about the activities that they do in this environment
  • What do they do in this environment?
  • What are the dangers that they know of?
  • What have their whānau taught them about the dangers of this environment?
  • Have they experienced these dangers?
  • If they had experienced these dangers, what did they do?
  • What are some of the strategies that they used to keep safe?
Activities at the river mouth could include:
  • Swimming
  • Surfing
  • Fishing off the river bank/whitebaiting
  • Netting
  • Paddling a waka ama
  • Boating
  • Surfing/skiing/wakeboarding
Dangers they need to learn about (Mātauranga)
  • Rips
  • Waves
  • Tides
  • Wind (Hypothermia)
  • Walking across the rocks
  • Rainfall increasing river flow
  • Debris
  • Currents and eddies created by the river meeting the sea
Strategies (Mātauranga and Tikanga)
  • Karakia
  • Knowing how to read weather and wind maps
  • Knowing how to identify rips and what to do if caught in one
  • Knowing about wave action and set waves
  • Knowing about river flow
Group strategy

Children will be broken into groups where they will be given or can choose a danger or a strategy. These lessons are self-directed learning where the aim is for the tamariki to learn about their strategy or danger and create a presentation or resources to teach their teina (younger students in the school).

River mouth/Harbour entrance visit
Visit river mouth or harbour entrance.

River mouth/Harbour entrance visit:

Visit river mouth or harbour entrance.



  • Survival swimming lessons
  • Class discussions
  • Activities in the different environments
  • The activities that have been prepared for the younger students
  • The teachings and support given to the younger students


Kua whiria ēnei rauemi ki ngā kaupapa e whā:

Waiora – Te hauora me te tupu o te tamaiti

Piki mai, kake mai. Homai te waiora ki ahau.

Ki konei, ruku atu ai ngā ākonga ki ngā wāhanga hauora (kai, me ngā āhuatanga o te tinana) e tika ai tōna oranga ā hinengaro, ā tinana, ā wairua hoki.
Ka wānanga hoki i ngā āhuatanga mo te whanaketanga, me ngā tikanga haumaru.

Koiri - Te korikori me te whakaatu pūkenga

Ko te piko o te māhuri, tērā te tupu o te rākau.
Ki konei ruku atu ai ngā ākonga ki ngā āhuatanga o te korikori tinana. Ka whai wāhi hoki ki te whakaatu i ngā pūkenga kua akongia e rātou.

Taiao - Hauora me te taiao

Hāhā te whenua, hāhā te tangata.
Ka wānanga tahi ngā ākonga i ngā tini hononga mauroa o te tangata ki te taiao, kā mutu, he aha hoki ngā mahi whakarauora i te taiao.

Tangata - Te tangata me ōna hononga

He taura taonga e motu, he taura tangata e kore e motu.

Ka wānanga tahi ngā ākonga i ngā tini hononga o te tangata, ki a ia anō, ki tētahi atu hoki. E whā ngā wāhanga o te hauora.

Te wairua

He hononga nui tō te wairua ki tā te tirohanga māori. No reira, ka aro tēnei kaupapa ki ngā tikanga māori, ki ngā kawa, waihoki, ki te reo māori.
He mea ārahi tēnei kaupapa i ngā mahi whakaako, me ngā mahi ako, kia haumaru, kia ao māori i ngā wā katoa.






Wai Puna Model

Wai Puna is central to the development of the water safety Unit Plan available for kaiako in Kura Kauapapa Māori and mainstream kura, primarily for Years 1 - 8. 



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