For our tamariki at kura and primary school, Water Skills for Life is the essential beginning of life-long learning.
Water Skills for Life is the national standard for aquatic education in New Zealand kura and primary schools. It is linked into the curriculum and gives tamariki the skills and knowledge they need to assess risk and make smart decisions around water. Water Skills for Life is learnt in the pool, local water environment and in the classroom.
Why it's important in drowning prevention
For our precious tamariki these are the formative and most important years when water safety can be embedded and a life-long step-change achieved. It is the time when tamariki are most receptive and sets them for further learning and resilience throughout their lives.
This website gives kaiako and teachers the tools to easily teach Water Skills For Life, even if no school pool is available. Alternatively, there are directions to providers, in every area of New Zealand, so that expert education can be at hand. Water Skills for Life teaching resources link through to the Water Skills for Life website
Water Skills for Life lesson plans have been developed for the various age stages of Years 0-2, Years 3-4, Years 5-6 and Years 7-8. The full set of resources in both English and Reo are available here.