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Water Safety Code


The Water Safety Code has been developed for all people of Aotearoa so they can be safe when they're in, on and around water. For tamariki, we want them to learn to make safe decisions before they start their activity, during their activity and be able to respond positively if something goes wrong. It's a practical guide that tamariki can refer to which will remind them about making safe decisions in, on and around water.

The focus of students learning the Water Safety Code is that they learn and demonstrate the use of critical thinking to make sure it is safe to carry out and planned aquatic activity.

The process is summarised as:

Stop, look and think before you act

Make safe decisions

If in doubt, stay out.

It focuses on students assessing:

Local conditionsthe knowledge, skills and experience of all participants ♦  the available equipmentwhat to do when things go wrong



The four strands of the Water Safety Code

Be prepared


Watch out for self and others


Be aware of the dangers


Know your limits



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