Karakia to Tangaroa

He huanui, he huaroa ki te ao,Omāio ki tua e, Ka rongo ki te Waitai e, Haramai e te taipari, haramai e te Taitimu, Nāu e Hinemoana, nāu e Tangaroa ē
Incantation, supplication, prayer
Used in many contexts. Karakia helps bind a person to wai, seeking permission before entering wai and used as a form of blessing, baptism and ritual
Protection, guardianship, conservation and preservation
Environmental sustainability concerned with protecting and safeguarding the mauri of the waterways
Temporary closure, restricted area
A temporary closure placed on an area for protection purposes including in the event of a drowning or when kai resources are depleted
Mahinga Kai
Customary kai gathering practice and sites
A cultural practice of gathering kai and the knowledge that underpins this practice
Acknowledging wai in various ways including karanga (call), waiata (song), karakia, splashing water on the face, or simply talking about the wai
Being respectful towards others at the wai at all times
The practice of reciprocating what is received from wai and may including giving back to Tangaroa your first catch of kai